Family Self Sufficiency
For current voucher participants
The Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS) is a voluntary program designed to help individuals and families achieve economic self sufficiency.
FSS open to families and individuals who currently have a housing voucher through Missoula Housing Authority or live in public housing. Participants should have employment goals and wish to become economically independent.
How does FSS work?
The head of household enrolls in the FSS Program by completing an intake form, signing a contract of participation and working with an FSS coordinator to develop an Individual Training and Service Plan, which identifies employment and financial goals to work on. Barriers to these goals will be identified and eliminated as the participant works through the program.
Through the FSS program we are able to set up an escrow account and as the participant’s rent increases due to their employment, a portion goes into an account each month. The money saved in their account goes to the participant at the end of the program. Many have used the money to buy a home!
How do I apply?
If you would like to learn more about how the FSS program can help you find your way home, contact your Program Specialist to receive a referral to one of our FSS Coordinators.
Download the FSS brochure for more information.