Homeless Programs
Serving those most vulnerable
The Missoula Housing Authority leads the community in permanent housing solutions for people experiencing homelessness and works in close collaboration to prevent, shorten and eliminate homelessness. Most programs are done in conjunction with the Missoula Coordinated Entry System.
Uptown Apartments
The Uptown Apartments, located at 329 Woody Street in downtown Missoula, is a renovated motel that provides permanent housing only for single homeless individuals. There are 14 apartments with bathrooms and kitchen areas, free on-site laundry, parking, and internet. All utilities included. Located next to the courthouse, it’s an excellent location to access the bus and activities of downtown Missoula.
Rent is income-based. There is a separate waiting list for the Uptown Apartments.
Valor House
Valor House provides 17 one-bedroom units for permanent housing for homeless veterans through the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program. This program provides housing and supportive services to veterans by pairing rental assistance from HUD with case management and supportive services provided by the VA. Valor offers a commercial kitchen with meeting space, four shared common gathering spaces, shared computers, and laundry facilities on both floors.
Veterans who need assistance may contact the David J. Thatcher VA Clinic at 406-493-3800. Walk-in services are available on Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at 3885 W Broadway Missoula MT, 59808.
Missoula Coordinated Entry System
The Missoula Coordinated Entry System (MCES) was created to provide a comprehensive response in place that ensures homelessness is prevented whenever possible, or if it can’t be prevented, it is a rare, brief, and one-time experience.
Within a short time after you connect with a Coordinated Entry Access Point, trained staff will:
• LISTEN as you share a brief overview of your situation
• TRY TO FIND you a safe and appropriate alternative to shelter
• WORK THROUGH some housing questions with you
• SUPPORT YOU in identifying a safe place to sleep tonight
• CONNECT you to resources that meet your needs
To apply for the programs below, connect with a MCES access point:
Dial 2-1-1 or 549-5555 from any phone and ask to speak with an operator about your housing situation
9-5 pm, M-F
Cornerstone Apartments
Cornerstone, located at 2830 Great Northern Loop off Mullan Road, provides 12 one-bedroom units of permanent supportive housing for the homeless.
Blue heron place at trinity
Trinity Apartments is comprised of 202 rental homes on two parcels in Missoula and a community Navigation Center. Rent is set for people earning 30% to 70% of the Area Median Income.
Blue Heron Place at Trinity was designed to support Missoula’s long-term unhoused neighbors. Thirty apartments are supportive housing homes with rental assistance and on-site wrap-around services. The Navigation Center provides low-threshold, high-service programs for people experiencing chronic homelessness, those re-entering our community from the criminal justice system, and other members of the community.
Permanent Supportive Housing Program
Permanent Supportive Housing is a rental assistance program specifically designed to help disabled homeless individuals and their families receive housing and supportive services. Program participants rent from private landlords in Missoula, paying 30% of their monthly adjusted income towards rent and MHA pays the rent difference. Supportive services are provided by local social service agencies. Applicants referred through the Missoula Coordinated Entry System.
Landlords interested in renting to a program participants, please visit the Landlords Page.
Housing for Survivors of Domestic Violence
The Missoula Housing Authority provides project-based vouchers for some available two-bedroom units through the YWCA. This program serves homeless families with children who have survived domestic violence in the last two years. To learn more about YWCA Transitional Housing, please call (406) 543-6691
Emergency HOUSING
The Emergency Housing Voucher program is 16 special-purpose vouchers for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
at risk of being homeless
fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, stalking, or human trafficking
or recently homeless and in a rapid re-housing program
All applicants must be referred to MHA from the Missoula Coordinated Entry System (MCES), the YWCA, or a rapid re-housing program provider.
Applicants may check eligibility by contacting 2-1-1 or another MCES access point, the YWCA, or their rapid re-housing program. The Missoula Housing Authority does not accept direct applications.