Voucher Resources

information for voucher program participants

Where to find information

Most information you need to know is in your Family Handbook:

Family Handbook: Housing Choice Voucher

Family Handbook: Permanent Supportive Housing Vouchers

Family Handbook: Project Based Voucher

In addition to the Family Handbook, tenants are required to follow the terms of the lease agreement given by the landlord. Tenants living in a MHA's property will be given a Tenant Handbook as well.

As a participant of a MHA rental assistance program, tenants are required to follow Family Obligations in order to maintain housing assistance.

Family Obligations are in the Family Handbook and available here for download:

Family Obligations & Grounds for Termination: Housing Choice Voucher

Family Obligations & Grounds for Termination: Shelter Plus Care

Family Obligations & Grounds for Termination: Project Based Voucher

Programs with Housing Choice & Project-Based Vouchers:

  • Family Self Sufficiency

    Families on the voucher program who want to begin working or increase their income can take advantage of the FSS program, which rewards increased earned income.

  • Homeownership Vouchers

    Families who have participated in the voucher program for at least a year and have full-time work or receive disability can apply to use their voucher assistance in purchasing a home.

Moves In and Around Missoula

If you are a current participant and your lease is ending and you want to move with continued assistance, please see What to Do if You Wish to Move with Continued Assistance

Moving to Missoula:

If you want to move your voucher to Missoula (Port it in) please contact our Portability Specialist, Kathleen Irwin, 406-549-4113 x110

  1. Work with your current housing authority to have them send your port packet to us.

  2. Once MHA receives the complete port packet from the other agency you will be scheduled for the required voucher briefing

  3. You must provide a mailing address at which you will receive required documents.

  4. At the briefing you will receive the information and paperwork needed in your search to find a unit MHA can approve for housing assistance. MHA jurisdiction is Missoula plus 10 miles.


The Missoula Housing Authority (MHA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) require participants be re-certified at least once per year.

At this Annual Recertification, you will be asked to update all income and expense information (providing the relevant documentation) as well as provide information on any changes to your household.

The Annual Recertification packet will be mailed to you. If you lose your packet, you can download copies of the Annual Recertification paperwork here:

If you need to report an income or household composition change to MHA between Annual Recertifications, please complete a Notice of Change form (green form) and submit it to your Program Specialist.

If you disagree with a determination made by Missoula Housing Authority and think we did not follow policies or HUD regulations, you may ask for an Informal Hearing. You must make such a request to the MHA office in writing within 10 business days of the determination date. For more information about this process, please review the Informal Hearing Process.