Special Vouchers
Targeted Supportive programs
In addition to the affordable housing waitlist, applicants may qualify for special programs that connect individuals and families to housing.
Valor House
Valor House provides 17 one-bedroom units for permanent housing for homeless veterans through the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program. This program provides housing and supportive services to veterans by pairing rental assistance from HUD with case management and supportive services provided by the VA. Valor offers a commercial kitchen with meeting space, four shared common gathering spaces, shared computers, and laundry facilities on both floors.
Veterans who need assistance may contact the David J. Thatcher VA Clinic at 406-493-3800. Walk-in services are available on Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at 3885 W Broadway Missoula MT, 59808.
The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Veterans who need assistance may contact the David J. Thatcher VA Clinic at 406-493-3800. Walk-in services are available on Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at 3885 W Broadway Missoula MT, 59808.
Domestic Violence
YWCA Transitional Housing
The Missoula Housing Authority provides project-based vouchers for some available two-bedroom units through the YWCA. This program serves homeless families with children who have survived domestic violence in the last two years. To learn more about YWCA Transitional Housing, please call (406) 543-6691.
Disabled Individuals
Mainstream Vouchers
MHA has 66 “Mainstream” vouchers to serve families that have a disabled member between the ages of 18 and 62-years old. The family must apply to the HCV waitlist but can claim one of the following preferences:
Up to 8 from “segregated settings”. Disabled adult transitioning from a segregated setting. Must be verified.
Up to 12 from rapid re-housing. Disabled adult in a rapid rehousing program. Must be verified.
Up to 25 from assisted projects. Disabled adult and is residing in a property funded with federal, state or local government programs, such as the HOME investment Partnership Program or the Montana Housing Tax Credit program. Must be verified.
811 Program
The 811 Program is Section 8 rental assistance attached to specific units in several MHA affordable housing projects. Applicants must be participating in or eligible for the Medicaid Waiver program or be chronically homeless. The program targets those who are between the ages of 18 and 62-years old and have extremely low income (30% of Area Median Income or below).
Tenant pays 30% of their income towards rent.
Foster Youth
The Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) initiative makes Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance available to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in partnership with Public Child Welfare Agencies (PCWAs). The Missoula Housing Authority has been awarded these vouchers.
Under FYI, PHAs provide housing assistance on behalf of: Youth at least 18 years old and not more than 24 years of age (have not reached their 25th birthday) who left foster care or will leave foster care within 90 days and are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless at age 16 or older.*
As required by statute, an FYI voucher issued to such youth may only be used to provide housing assistance for the youth for a maximum of 36 months.
In addition to providing up to 36 months of rental assistance, youth must be provided supportive services to assist on their path to self-sufficiency.
For an eligible youth to apply they must be referred by the Montana Department of Health and Human Services – Child and Family Services (the Public Child Welfare Agency). Please contact Elizabeth Bruchez EBruchez@mt.gov
* In accordance with a transition plan described in Section 475(5)(H) of the Social Security Act.
The Emergency Housing Voucher program is 16 special-purpose vouchers for homeless individuals and families.
at risk of being homeless
fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, stalking, or human trafficking
or recently homeless and in a rapid re-housing program
All applicants must be referred to MHA from the Missoula Coordinated Entry System (MCES), the YWCA, or a rapid re-housing program provider.
Applicants may check eligibility by contacting 2-1-1 or another MCES access point, the YWCA, or their rapid re-housing program. The Missoula Housing Authority does not accept direct applications.
EHV: Emergency Housing Vouchers