Partnering with landlords to match renters with properties
Thank you for your interest in Missoula Housing Authority’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. This program is designed to assist very low-income households with rental assistance that subsidizes their housing costs.
Missoula Housing Authority (MHA) works with more than 300 landlords to provide housing for approximately 1,200 families. We rely heavily on community landlords to be able to achieve such success. Without landlords, we would not be able to do our jobs and we greatly appreciate each partnership we have.
You have taken the first step in becoming one of the landlords in this program by coming to this page. Below you will find a brief explanation of how the program works as well as a packet of information that dives deeper into the details of the program. Included is a step-by-step outline of the process of entering an assisted contract and sample forms and documents you will encounter when working with MHA.
For general inquires or information seeking, send a message to our landlord information email.
Please note this inbox is checked on a weekly basis by our team. If you have an urgent matter, contact a staff member directly.
If you have any specific questions, complaints, or insights about our programs, contact our Housing Access Coordinator:
Open Position
Call: (406) 549-4113
How Section 8 Works
For a landlord and unit to be approved for an assisted tenancy, the rent must be reasonable, the initial lease must be for at least six months, and the unit must pass a health and safety inspection before leasing and at least bi-annually thereafter.
Our assistance is based on federally determined Payment Standards, so the landlord must complete and submit our Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) packet so that MHA staff can confirm its affordability.
In some cases, the family may not be able to be approved. A landlord with a household that holds a Section 8 voucher will receive a portion of the monthly rent from the MHA and a portion of rent directly from the household.
For information about payments, please contact: Jim McGrath -
Frequently Asked Questions:
NO. Federal law forbids “side deals” or extra payments above and beyond the rent. MHA reviews the RFTA and schedules the inspection within one to two business days of receiving it. We expect the landlord to hold the unit during this brief approval process. We do not allow applicants to have more than one RFTA packet at a time so that you can be sure they will be ready to lease from you once approved.
The families must comply with program rules and terms of their lease with the property owner.
Permit housing inspections by MHA.
Keep the unit in good condition.
Report changes in income and household composition
The property owner will screen all applicants for suitability as tenants.
Collect the tenant’s portion of the rent.
Comply with landlord-tenant and fair housing laws, the terms of the lease with the tenant and their contract with MHA.
Permit inspections by MHA.
Make timely repairs to keep the property in good condition.
Determine whether families and individuals are eligible for the program.
Inspect units to ensure that they meet federal guidelines in terms of safety standards.
Pay the appropriate portion of the rent to the owner in a timely manner
Monitor voucher participants and owners to ensure their compliance with program rules
The family applies to the voucher waiting list and MHA calls them from the waiting list. MHA then screens them for eligibility to the program. The families that are determined income eligible are issued vouchers which entitle them to a portion of their rent subsidized.
Owners who have a property for rent should advertise it the way they normally would advertise it. Families will contact you directly. If the unit meets the affordability for the family, MHA will call you to schedule an inspection.
Families and individuals are issued vouchers based on income guidelines, not on their suitability as tenants. Owners are strongly encouraged to screen all prospective tenants-vouchers holders as well as market tenants.
All units must pass an annual inspection to make sure that they meet a minimum of health and safety requirements established by HUD. The inspection process is based on the premise that government funding should not be used to subsidize substandard housing. All families, regardless of their income, have the right to live in housing that is safe, decent and sanitary.
There are several places you can advertise your rental if you’re interested in renting to voucher holders:

New Landlord Information Packet
New Landlord Packet: (entire packet in one PDF document)
The Leasing Process step by step
FAQ, Family Obligations, and Landlord Certification
Sample Voucher and Request for Tenancy Approval (RFT)
Sample Affordability Worksheet
Sample Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract
Income Limit and Payment Standards
Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home booklet
Fair Housing is Your Right booklet
Additional Links
Montana Fair Housing
MT Landlord/Tenant Act
State of Montana HUD Field Office
Montana Legal Services
City of Missoula Noise Ordinance
City of Missoula Online Non-Emergency Report Form