MHA Homes is made up of 178+ units ranging from 1 to 4 bedrooms throughout Missoula, all owned and operated by MHA.

Applicants apply through the waitlist and are offered a specific unit when a vacancy opens.

Applicants’ income must be at or below 50% of the Area Median Income. Tenants pay 30% of their income toward housing.

Apply for MHA Homes:

  1. Go online to

    • If you are new, select "Register" and create a new account, otherwise you may log in with your account information

    • Note that account creation may take up to 2 minutes, please be patient and do not reload

  2. Continue to your Application - if you get lost, click this link

  3. Select "I want to apply to this property"

  4. Provide basic household information

  5. Choose the waitlist(s) you wish to apply for

    Make sure you provide a complete MAILING ADDRESS. If you do not provide a mailing address, your application will be put on hold for 30 days. If a valid mailing address is not provided after 30 days, your application will be rejected.

If you need assistance in applying for MHA’s Subsidized Housing waiting lists, please contact the Admissions Technician at (406) 549-4113 x842#

IMPORTANT: If your name comes to the top of the list, you will be notified via mail. MHA recommends you keep in contact with us by logging into your online account from time to time. You also need to update your mailing address if it changes. Every year, MHA sends correspondence to your MAILING ADDRESS on file asking if you wish to remain on the waiting list. If your mailing address is not kept up to date and you do not respond to your mail, you will be removed from all waiting lists.

If you’re browsing Missoula.House from any mobile device, you will be automatically redirected to the mobile version for easier viewing. Missoula.House also provides an iPhone and Android App, called RentCafe, available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, respectively.


Housing Choice Vouchers


Uptown Apartments