Villagio Apartments

2, 3, and 4-bedroom units
A primary suite – a spacious room with a private ensuite bathroom
Private balconies with storage
In-unit laundry
Water paid for by the property
For those earning 60% or less of Area Median Income
Includes 32 units with project-based vouchers attached
Located in Missoula’s Northside neighborhood at the end of Scott Street, Villagio is a 200-unit community offering 2, 3, and 4-bedroom units constructed in 2023. The proximity to downtown, its historic flavor, and a sense of community are attractive features of this vibrant and evolving neighborhood.
Rents are set for people earning 30% to 60% of the Missoula Area Median Income (AMI). Please use the chart below to find your income range based on household size.
Information for households earning 30% - 50% AMI, please visit the Villagio Subsidized Housing page.
Rent Prices for people making 60% AMI:
2-bedroom $1,062
3-bedroom $1,220
4-bedroom $1,353
On-site community amenities:
First come, first served underground parking
Bike storage
Green space
Community room
ADA accessible units
On-site management and maintenance
Easy access to Mountain Line Route 3
To be added to the waitlist list, please complete this form. For questions, please contact Liz Hannum at
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